BrainFit Studio Philippines: Building Brain Fitness for Kids and Parents

A Supplementary Brain Fitness Training
Building Brain Fitness for Kids and Parents
BrainFit Studio Philippines


Philippine Education
Mind and Body
Summer Activities


Parents provide and influenced their children by exposing them to different kinds of activities associated with motor skills, mental/emotional development, talent development and academic enrichment. Expecting these kids to polish their interest and reach its full potentials. While for some parents with high standards, enrolling a child to an after-school program could perhaps create fear and pressure to establish itself to become an achiever. Most parents may not recognize the long-term effect that could slow down the child’s progress. Instead we “overfeed” them without really trying to genuinely motivate them in order to establish adequate brain fitness or learning skills. “Motivation is closely linked to be competent and successful at a task.” For common misconceptions, parents fairly believed they are doing the right decision for the kids. At this age of information, the ground rule is to explore and have an open mind. That we can help our kids with a support system tailored to their needs. When I first heard of a brain-based center here in Manila, the center must be really something for brain stimulation, sound engaging and fun at the same time.

BrainFit Studio Philippines: Building Brain Fitness for Kids and Adults

What is BrainFit Studio Philippines?
According to Dr. Steven L. Miller (Research Neuropsychologist, California USA)
“BrainFit Studio is at the forefront of applying neuro-scientific principles in personalized brain training. Their programmes are implemented according to best practices for maximum efficacy and impact.”

Based from research studies, there had been more findings about the brain function in the last 5 years than ever in the past. It indicate that the belief of brain development peaking at 36 months and faltering after that no long hold true. The fact is, the brain has a constant ability to create neural connections (called neural plasticity) over the lid span – given the right stimulation.

A brain’s fitness level influences the 5 pillars of cognitive development that form the foundations of all learnings. Strong brain pillars enhances the development of higher order skills.

  • Attention and memory
  • Visual and spatial processing
  • Auditory and language processing
  • Sensory-motor coordination
  • Social-emotional self-regulation

These 5 brain pillars ultimately impact how we acquire new knowledge, retain information, apply learning, and perform to excellence.
Fit Brains Learn Better!
Brain fitness is about having superior mental processes arising from more efficient and robust connections in the brain. It involves activities that strengthen existing and build new brain connections.
Cognitive Map
The first step is via a process called “Cognitive Mapping” of one’s strengths and weakness across all the 5 brain pillars using US-qualified testing methodologies. Based on the findings, the appropriate program are then recommended to improve on opportunity areas.

All our programmes are backed by scientific data that demonstrate their efficacy.
Programmes are suitable for children or teenagers between the age of 4 to 18. The SMART Students programme aims to impart scholastic excellence while providing a rock solid foundation for life long learning.

BrainFit Studio Philippines: Building Brain Fitness for Kids and Adults

Brainfit Studio Philippines approach tackles neuro-scientific protocol referred as:

  • Set Personal Goals
  • Measure with CognitiveMap
  • Adapt activities to abilities
  • Re-wire through focused practice
  • Transform brain for peak performance

The center assess a child objectively through the process of “profiling” called Cognitive Map, after which they will be evaluates the weak point that needs enhancement and recommends and design what module to take. The result from assessment (before snap-shot) pre- and post-programme will be compared with one another upon completion for final assessment to determine the child’s progress.

These activities varies by categories, they have desktop exercises (visual perception), computer-based applications, and gym-based exercises. The fees/charge rate for child assessment  (profile evaluation) is PhP7,500 (approx U.S. $180), with succeeding PhP850/session (minimum of 20 sessions per module) that’s about PhP17,000 (approx U.S. $405) for the whole sessions.

I had previously attended the 2nd Singapore Math Learning Festival, one of the speakers was Dr. Vicente Chua Reyes, Ph. D. who is a faculty member (Policy and Leadership Studies Group) for National Institute of Education in Singapore. He’s topic was about – “The Singapore Math Phenomenon: A Macro Perspective” that Singapore’s secret to success lies with the concepts of enhanced performance management system. As early as childhood, the kids are groomed to have a competency-based performance and be highly developmental in nature. That is why parents exposed their children to a learning method that are susceptible to the education system of Singapore. And all of those merit-based programmes designed by the Ministry of Education of Singapore are 100% researched-based. Chances are if you do not pass the exam requires to enter a university, you are evaluated and fit for a  skilled or vocational course only. Singapore uses this kind of method because as a country they rely on merit performance (with the absence of cultural history) to be known as an aggressive and innovative country. They give chances and merits to deserving individuals.  The reason why Singapore’s effective education supplements yields a progressive results. My assumption is BrainFit Studio could have been one of Singapore’s secret to success. And it’s good to know they have branched in the Philippines and other countries, after all the true meaning of success is by sharing it. 🙂

BrainFit Studio Philippines: Building Brain Fitness for Kids and Adults

Programme features
Each module has 20 sessions with fun-filled and engaging activities. A class size of no more than six participants and progress is continuously tracked
Physical Fitness – includes strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination and speed.
Visual Brain Fitness – vital for academic success
Paying attention
Visual details and speed
Handwriting and copying
Auditory Brain Fitness – vital for receiving accurate verbal information
Sensory-Motor Brain Fitness – improvement in control e.g. accurate handwriting.
Session: Twice a week, 55mins/session (20 sessions/course)
EQ Brain Fitness – positive thinking skills and social life skills. Improves motivation, optimism, self-esteem, handling set-backs empathy, social skills and relationships.
Session: 20 sessions/course (16 sessions for students, 4 sessions for parents)
Brainfit Studio Philippines is an individualized brain fitness programmes that conform to a child’s unique abilities. It ensures brain engagement at optimal intensity through the neuro-scientific principles to yield effective results.
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BrainFit Studio Philippines

For parents, students and educators,  catch Dr. Martha S. Burns, Ph. D as the key speaker for the 1st Philippine Brain-based Conference entitled “Brain Fitness: The Key to Success in Learning Among Children” on March 25, 2013 1:00-5:00 PM at CEU Auditorium. The conference is FREE, make sure to pre-register online.

The BrainFit Studio, the leading provider of neuroscience-based brain fitness programs in Philippines. BrainFit Studio originated in Singapore and is already 10 years in the region with over 5000+ data based results from programs conducted across Asia.
More photos from BrainFit Studio Philippines Blogger Conference on Facebook
Photobucket Media
Brainfit Studio Philippines
3F Metrosquare Bldg.
224 Ortigas Avenue
Greenhills, San Juan
Metro Manila, Philippines
[t] 725-8500
[m] 0917-5991992
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Disclosure: This article is being published based on my written opinions and excerpts from press article of mentioned references. No business relationship involved with any company or organization promoting this event. Thank you to Teacher Ia of for inviting

12 thoughts on “BrainFit Studio Philippines: Building Brain Fitness for Kids and Parents”

  1. Christian Melanie Lee

    Informative post dre! Will tell my sister and I’ll ask her to tag along with her daughter in this educational event.

  2. How I wish I could be one of the “lucky kids” of this generation to avail this amazing paradigm! hehehe! ヅ
    But of course I couldn’t change time so hopefully my future children will be! ヅ

  3. This is a style for kindergarten I suppose? Is there already a local school using this style? Or is this a totally new approach?

  4. Jem Alvarado (@esupermommy)

    Thanks for sharing this. Sayang.. I am not available on the event date I am interested with this for my little kid.

  5. This is really the fitness suitable for moms and tots bonding over summer’s heat. But the whole program is too expensive.

  6. God is waiting somewhere above to give you His grace and send His love. Whatever your cross, whatever your pain, God always sends a rainbow after the rain.

  7. Thanks for sharing this.. I’ll make sure to send this link to my aunts 🙂 They might be interested to check out Brainfit Studio.

  8. My son is 18 just graduated from a sped school. Can he join this program ? He is a high functioning individual .

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