The 1st Philippine Brain-based Learning Conference Round-up

The 1st Philippine Brain-based Learning Conference
“The Key to Success in Learning Among Children”

Manila Activities
Philippine Education
Mind and Body

Organized by BrainFit Studio Philippines
In cooperation with: Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), Scientific Learning, CEU School of Education CHED Center for Excellence.
March 25, 2013
Held at Centro Escolar University Auditorium (CEU), Mendiola, Manila, Philippines

Keynote speaker is Martha S. Burns, Ph. D. talked about “Brain Fitness, The Key to Learning Success in Children” joins with the rest of the guest speakers as they share informative brain-based learning method from early childhood’s brain development to adult’s brain re-wiring.

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With Dr. Martha S. Burns and BrainFit Studio Philippines

The 5 A’s of Brain Development

Upon the advent of a newborn, the universe opens its doors for him to absorb as much he can, especially through his vision in the first six months. Adapting well, he learns his way around, with his language progressing in the next six months of life. He becomes an active explorer from one year onwards and needs to be fully equipped. And when he’s ready to go out in the bigger world, his advancing brain will be ready as well.”
Dr. Ria De Guzman (M.D., FPPS, FPSDBP is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician) start the floor with the importance of nutrition and brain development, these are:
#1 Advent stage (before birth)
Milestone: Human brain forms three weeks after conception. Rapid brain development occurs during the 8th to 12th weeks of life. By 25 weeks, the unborn baby is able to hear.
Stimulation: Interact with the baby inside your womb. It’s good to let him listen to music, but the sound of your voice is the best stimulation.
Nutrition: Expectant moms should take in 300 kcal per day to ensure the proper growth of the baby, placenta and maternal tissues. However, diet and supplements must be in low fat to prevent unnecessary weight gain espcially in the 3rd trimester. Intake of nutrients, including folic acid, iodine, EPUFAs, vitamins and minerals can help baby’s brain development.
#2 Absorbing brain (birth to 6 months)
Milestone: Brain volumes doubles. Visual pathway develops. 80% of learning is acquired through vision.
Stimulation: Decorate baby’s room and provide toys like mobiles to stimulate visual pathways. Stimulate other sense too. Smell evokes memories and musical experiences support and nurture development.
Nutrition: Give food rich in “brain nutrients” like taurine, DHA and lutein.
#3 Adapting brain (6 months to 1 year)
Milestone: Neuroplasticity enables brain to adapt to internal factors. Language skills develop. Children adapt to sounds and mimic them.
Stimulation: Prime time for developing positive interactions. engage children with touch, play and interaction to optimize brain development.Speak frequently to infants to increase their vocabulary by more words by age 2. Avoid exposure to gadgets, which may stunt mental development.
Nutrition: Aside from key brain nutrients including Choline, phospholipids supported by higher intake of calories from a balanced diet can support a child’s higher energy requirements at this stage.
#4 Active brain (1 to 3 years)
Milestone: Brain volume triples. Child explores by active play. Cognitive changes include establishing object permanence, cause and effect, and symbolic play. Better motor skills develop.
Stimulation: Have time for structured activities and free play. Avoid TV; instead encourage play with blocks, puzzles, picture and coloring books, push-pull-and-ride toys and movement games. 12 to 14 hours of sleep help in physical recuperation and mental development, while naps enhance memory.
Nutrition:Taking in brain supporting nutrients can be enhanced by including Total Potentially Available Nucleotides (TPAN), clinically proven to enhance immune response.
#5 Advancing brain (3 years and up)
Milestone: By age 3, 85% of the brain’s core structure is formed. Prefrontal cortex develops rapidly. A child learns by socializing with peers.
Stimulation: Provide opprtunities not just for cognitive development but also for social development. Engage child in group learning activities, run by trained caregivers or teachers at home or in nursery school.
Nutrition:Give milk twice a day as nutritional support to help get your child ready for school, while preventing nutritional deficiencies.

The best visual stimulus for a child are the human faces, it cannot be replaced by toys and other colorful objects. A child registers its mother’s face and voice by comforting, talking, playing with them frequently. “Children deprived of touch, play, and interaction with others have brains that are 20-30% smaller than normal for their age. Also, child abuse can inhibit and have a permanent negative effect on brain development.

Home Environmental Factors with Important Implications for Child Development Outcomes:
Parent-Child Interactions – when mothers spoke to their infants, their children learned almost 300 more words by age 2 than did their peers whose mothers rarely spokes to them. These example occurs to “yaya” (nanny) who more often spend time texting or chatting with fellow maids or watching her fave TV series, leaving the child to explore on its own.
Electronic Media Exposure – the media used by children younger than 2 years is supported by lack of evidence supporting educational or developmental benefits. Has potential adverse effects than positive ones.
The effects of apps on a child suggests lost opportunities in challenging time. For the child to look outside of himself for happiness and distraction. For parents to learn to depend on their own ingenuity to soothe their kids. It bypasses kid’s chance for building emotional and social competence.
Call to action:
The best learning happens in nurturing relationships.
Children learn through being engaged and doing.
Children learn from watching and copying.
Children learn language by listening to it and using it.
Cognitive Development – is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood, adolescence to adulthood.
Learning begins at home. Learning lasts a lifetime. There are different ways to learn and different places to learn. Respect the child’s individuality.
Martha S. Burns, Ph. D.
“Brain Fitness, The Key to Learning Success in Children”

Dr. Martha Burns is an expert in the field of neuroscience and its application to learning and its disorders. She is an exceptional presenter who communicates the most complicated research findings in simple terms and translates them into practical strategies for educators, clinicians and parents.

Martha S. Burns, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist specializing in the development of language, reading and the brain, current research on how the brain learns, and how understanding the science of learning can inform classroom teaching and therapy. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Northwestern University and a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Neuroscience and Technology – using neuroscience-based technology to individualize instruction to meet the needs of each individual student. Scientific Learning offers brain fitness and development suited to a child’s needs.

The science of how the brain learns
The human brain has thousands of networks that work together and help us to do a lot of different things. Pathways in the brain get stronger and stronger with use. The more we do something, the better we get at that activity. The stronger the pathways in the brain, the easier it becomes for the child to learn and retain information (Science Learning).

View part of Dr. Martha S. Burns deck from my YouTube channel: deiville
Dr. Martha Burns Video Part 1 –
(to be continued…)
More Photos from The 1st Philippine Brain-based Learning Conference 2013.
Photrobucket Media:, created by Green Dei (Daryll)
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Disclosure: This article is being published based on my written opinions and excerpts from press article of mentioned references. No business relationship involved with any company or organization promoting this event. Thank you to BrainFit Studio Philippines and Special Education Philippines for inviting

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