Saliksikhay Conference: Research and Creative Works of UPD Community

Saliksikhay Conference: Pagdiriwang ng Dangal at Kahusayan sa Saliksik, Malikhaing Gawa, at Ekstensiyon

This is not a sponsored post. All opinions and images are mine.

UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development (UP OVCRD) exhibited the recent works and projects of UPD faculty and researchers by way of TEDx-like talk zeroing in on the presenter’s ideation, purpose, the of concept of the work, and its aspirations, mostly deemed those that have a positive social impact. As the new year starts, this is the appropriate time to communicate to the public the relevance of each proponents / group’s research works and creative works. By way of sharing information, may on some point motivates the rest of the UP community to push through with what they have in mind. Everyone starts with a toy project no matter how small your idea is. “Start with a toy project” I heard this once from Prof. Prospero Naval when I attended last 2019 Machine Learning with UP CIDS. The university highly encouraged different disciplines and institutions to create and tell their collaborative research, creative, and extension outputs. As Dr. Fidel R. Nemenzo, Vice Chancellor for Research & Development mentioned during his welcome speech on Day 1 of the conference, “ideas in UP Diliman does not stay in the classroom, for the last several years UP Diliman has been active in stepping up its technology transfer activities.

A poster exhibit of the abstracts was displayed along the hallway in line with the research outputs.

What is Saliksikhay?
Saliksikhay is a combination of terms “saliksik” and “sikhay” which respectively means to “research’ and “diligence”, summarizes UP Diliman keen interest in research that goes beyond the creation of knowledge.

The 20-minute demo talk is sub-divided into eight (8) strands: Education and Culture, Transport Solutions and Energy, Housing and Infrastructure, Environmental Protection, Food and Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction and Resiliency, Health and Wellness, and Advance Science and Technology.

Unique-corn: Ready-to-eat corn grit meal by Dr. Alonzo Gabriel, Department of Food Science and Nutrition

Dr. Alonzo Gabriel of Department of Food Science and Nutrition talk was about Unique-corn: Ready-to-eat (RTE) corn grit meals aims to provide instant food during disaster, he sees it to be useful now that Philippines has been experiencing all sorts of disasters year-round. He emphasized the property of corn being a heavy carbo compare to rice. By view of comparison, rice is being consumed three times a day while with this corn grit a person can have it twice a day.

As a result, they were able to develop acceptable and safe RTE meals from corn. The RTE meals may be used in emergency feeding, school feeding, military food rations, and as consumer goods. The corn grit comes in four flavors: chicken adobo, chicken afritada, vinegar tuyo, and pork beef vegetables. Currently, the group is experimenting the determination of shelf-life and development of new variants such as bistek.

Another presenter under food and agriculture cluster: The Utilization of Optimized Osmotically Dehydrated Mango (Mangifera indica) to Different Food Processing Technologies by Prof. Abigail Rustia of Department of Food Science and Nutrition.

Dried processed mangoes sampler

Fish-i: A semi-automated method for sharing reef fish species population density and biomass was presented by Dr. Prospero Naval of UP Department of Computer Science and Marine Science Institute. Fish-i analytics is a device and program software using artificial intelligence mounted underwater with full-angle camera capturing data that is transmitted to the main server. Through AI, they were able to identify the fish census, kinds of fish, and even discover new classifications. Data is collected by way of pattern-recognition, these data is transmitted to the central server for research purposes. In laymen’s term, one out of many objectives of this project is to guide our local fishermen the status of the fish with regards to the population and its species whether it’s ready for fishing or not. Why is it important? Massive fish count or estimation is the method used to assess the health of tropical marine environment.

Fish + AI = Fish-i prototype
(Crowd sourced data collection and AI-powered data analysis)

Community-Led Integrated Non-mercury Non-cyanide Gold Extraction Method (CLINN-GEM) was presented by Dr. Herman Mendoza of Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering.

Community-Led Integrated Non-mercury Non-cyanide Gold Extraction Method (CLINN-GEM) by Dr. Herman Mendoza, Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering. Featured an alternative method in mining industry

Fellow extension staff from University of the Philippines Institute for Small-Scale Industries (UP ISSI),  Ms. Joanna Rose Laddaran explained the  Honing Agents for National Disaster Awareness (HANDA) Program and Towards Integrating Inclusivity in Current Business Relationship in the Coffee Industry: A Study on the Challenges of the Relationship Among Coffee Enterprises in Atok, Benguet by Mr. Reynold Ferdinand Manegdeg.

Honing Agents for National Disaster Awareness (HANDA) Program by Ms. Joanna Rose Laddaran, Institute for Small-Scale Industries

HANDA program aims to develop a culture of preparedness among the MSME sector. Under the UP ISSI Training and Entrep Education, HANDA 3-day course is now being offered twice a year. It targets small and medium scale businesses, local government units, and cooperatives.

Towards Integrating Inclusivity in Current Business Relationship in the Coffee Industry: A Study on the Challenges of the Relationship Among Coffee Enterprises in Atok, Benguet by Mr. Reynold Ferdinand Manegdeg, Institute for Small-Scale Industries

On the other hand, the Coffee Project was able to identify the various issues concerning the current relationship among MSME (being the processer and grower) with the trends in business competitiveness and equity provisions. The support gained through partnership channels from the business sector/capitalist includes: quality output, rejuvenation of trees, equipment growers, training for enterprise management, and the collaboration with the local government. These includes the partnership of growers between the middlemen and the buyer. The result shows the vast decrease in terms of issues concerning: the growers earn within the bracket of 10K to 30K per harvest (once a year), single crop focus, and assistance for other livelihood options.

Padayon Rondalla did a mash-up of classical music and Eraserhead songs

Full abstract of all the presenters can be access at:

Saliksikhay UP ISSI Team

Saliksikhay Conference was held 16-17 January 2020 at the Benito Sy Pow Auditorium, College of Architecture, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City.

Organized by the offices under the UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development:
Technology Transfer and Business Development Office
Office of Extension Coordination
Research Dissemination Office
Research Management Office
Center for Ethnomusicology
Institute for Small-Scale Industries, created by Green Dei (Daryll Villena)
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