Hello! We will start a 2-week run for our #DEIVILLEGiveaway 2018, hopefully to run a second part of birthday giveaway until the month ends (so wake me up when September ends?)
Up for grabs this week is a Royal Oasis Luxe Spa Gift Certificate worth P1000. For this year, I’ll be bringing back Rafflecopter for easy monitoring of entries.
How to Win? Read the giveaway guidelines, eligibility and effortless mechanics. By the way, this giveaway is open to all our Facebook page followers only. If you aren’t a follower yet, make sure to LIKE our Facebook page DeiVille.
1. Follow the Rafflecopter mechanics above to join. Make sure to complete all the mandatory steps to be eligible.
1. Online giveaway runs from September 10-24, 2018. The giveaway is open only for Philippines residents. NOTE: GC can be redeem in Manila only.
2. You may use other emails or social media accounts if you like provided that they are real and active accounts. No dummy accounts please!
3. Winner will be selected via Rafflecopter. Winner will be notified via email. Please expect email within last week of September 2018.
4. Winner will be published on http://www.deiville.com/ and deiville’s Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account.
5. Failure to do any of the above requirements will be subjected to disqualification. *Failure to reply/acknowledge the notification email sent to the winner within 48 hours upon receipt of notice—prizes will be forfeited.
6. #DEIVILLEGiveaway2018 is good until September 24, 2018 only.
1. Giveaway will run until September 24, Monday. One (1) winner will be drawn on September 25, Tuesday. The result will be posted on our Facebook page.
2. The winner will be notified thru Facebook.
4. For Instagram users, NO giveaway/dummy//double/business accounts.
5. For Unlikers and unfollowers – will automatically be banned from entering our future giveaways and contests once you unliked/unfollow.
1. Open to Facebook users who have liked our Facebook page.
2. This giveaway is for followers and fans with Philippine address.
DeiVille.com, created by Green Dei (Daryll Villena)
Write us at deiville.com (@)gmail(dot)com for tips on entrepreneurship, consumerism, parenting, digital branding, women talk, Pinoy travels and Manila lifestyle.
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Disclosure: This is a NOT a sponsored post.