Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants

Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour

Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants

High-end plants that you can find in Arid and Aroids Living Gallery in Tartaria, Silang Cavite

The most sought after Philodendron, Obliqua, and variegated varieties and the AA exclusive, the variegated sansevieria

Why are some of these plants considered “rare”?
What’s the most expensive ornamental plant in the Philippines as of 2021?
Arid & Aroids research and development

Silang, Cavite. June 13, 2021. Our recent trip to Arid and Aroids in Silang, Cavite is one of the first apart from traveling within the NCR+ Bubble, it also became the first blogging event after the community lockdown since it started last March 2020.

Arid and Aroids Living Gallery It’s a go-to destination for all plant enthusiasts. The soon eco-tourism site will exhibit all kinds of flora from the most expensive ornamental plants to the most affordable ones. Arid & Aroids has been a collector of plants for over 20 years. Business partners Mr. Neil “Boyet” B. Ganigan and Dr. Jae Silvestre took the horticulture industry to the next level. With nurseries in Quezon province and Silang Cavite in the South and San Rafael Bulacan in the North, Arid & Aroids started to make a name with rising the popularity of succulents.

Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour was made possible with Mr. Rence Chan, together with our blogger friend Vance Ramos, we had the first dibs of the Jungle Paradise that is soon to open in September 2021.

COVID-19 Pandemic. In the 2nd quarter of 2020, while people are bound in community lockdowns, the interests in ornamental plants surge. All of a sudden, plants became a commodity and to some it became a luxury. The boredom of pandemic created a growing appeal to plants, that it became a form of relaxation and healing to everyone. Arid and Aroids took a leap with the growing fascination. With the right timing, their plant collection showcased an array of plants to the curiosity of all.

AA Living Gallery arid zone includes philodendrons, mosteras, pothos, aglaonemas, caladiums, anthuriums, calatheas, ferns, air plants, begonias, sansevierias, hoyas, agaves, yuccas, pachypodiums and soon the hub will install orchids.

Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants

UPDATE as of June 28, 2021: 1.9M rare plants is displayed at Arid and Aroids Festival

Here is a glimpse of some of the premium plants that you can expect to see once you visit AA Living Gallery.

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Philodendron Spiritus Sancti – PHP 700K starting bid from the charity auction. The final bid closed at PHP 1.3M. The most expensive plant in the Philippines as of 2021. But wait, there is one that cost 1.9M!

Why is philodendron Spiritus Sancti so expensive? This  ultra-rare plant is the holy grail of plant ownership. The plant itself is found in the state of Espirito Santo near the town Domingos Martins at an elevation of about 800 meters close to the Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Rio de Janeiro Brazil and it is said that there are only a handful of plants left in the wild. Spiritus Sancti  means “spirit of the Holy Ghost.“ “The Philodendron SS is said to be almost extinct in the wild and is certainly endangered as only a handful of plants are known to remain in its natural habitat. There are probably more plants in cultivation that are left in the wild.” (Iseli. 2020).  This endangered, long-leafed Philodendron SS is available in selected nurseries in the USA, Thailand and the Philippines, if stocks are on-hand.

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Philodendron Spiritus Sancti at AA Living Gallery
Philodendron Spiritus Sancti_Baguio City_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Philodendron Spiritus Sancti at Arid & Aroids Festival (The Manor, Baguio City). PHP 1.9M. Photo by: Little Bees Garden.










It is said that one needs to have their names in the waiting list. Hence, the lower the supply and the higher the demand, the more expensive the plant is.


Monstera Obliqua (Peruvian Form)

Obliqua is often described as having more holes than leaf, a native to Central and South America. There are few collectors who have this, the ones who have this plant in the Philippines can be counted on one hand. According to Arid and Aroids, currently there are only three people to own an Obliqua, one is Mr. Boyet Ganigan, CEO of Arid and Aroids and  Ms. Rina Garcia for her son who is a plant collector. The third person is Ms. Aubrey Miles, they recently acquired their rare and premium plants from the Arid and Aroid Festival (June 2021) in The Manor, Baguio City.

Monstera Obliqua Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants
Monstera Obliqua at AA Living Gallery
Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants
Mr. Boy Ganigan and Ms. Rina Garcia holding her Monstera Obliqua. Photo by Arid and Aroids







Monstera Obliqua_Baguio City_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Monstera Obliqua at Arid & Aroids Festival (The Manor, Baguio City). PHP 250K. Photo by: Arid & Aroids
Monstera Obliqua_Aubrey Miles_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour.
Aubrey Miles holding her Monstera Obliqua.
Photo by Sandel Aubrey


Variegated Philodendron Billietiae

Variegated Philodendron_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Variegated Philodendron Billietiae (soil less) – PHP 600K

You may also want  to READ: What to expect and things to do in Arid and Aroids Living Gallery in Silang Cavite

Philodendron Joepii (French Guiana)

Philodendron Joepii Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Philodendron Joepii

Why is philodendron Joepii expensive? A philodendron with a peculiar-shaped leaf, ears up top, a narrow neck, and a broad tongue. Named for the Dutch naturalist who discovered it growing on an anthill in French Guiana in 1991, it is possibly a hybrid between two previously known species.

Philodendron Patriciae Narrow (Colombia)

Philodendron Patriciae

Philodendron Nanegalense (Equador)

Philodendron Nanegalense_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Philodendron Nanegalense

Philodendron Esmeraldense

Philodendron Esmeraldense Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants
Philodendron Esmeraldense. Photo by Dexter Esparar


Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata

Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata


Monstera Deliciosa_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Adansonii

Monstera Adansonii_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Monstera Adansonii – starts at PHP 2,500

Monstera plants are known for their distinctive leaf patterns. The slits and holes in Monstera leaves are called fenestrations. Monstera Adansonii is not a rare plant. Many plant enthusiasts have begun to propagate their own and they are sold frequently in most parts of the world. There are many different forms of the Swiss Cheese Vine plant. Depending on the locality where the plant is from, the Monstera Adansonii can differ in size and looks.

Variegated Monstera Adansonii_Baguio City_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Variegated Monstera Adansonii at Arid & Aroids Festival (The Manor, Baguio City). PHP 250K. Photo by: Arid & Aroids

There is a Variegated form of the Monstera Adansonii plant. This is a chimeric type that is very rare and hard to find. Even cuttings of the Monstera Adansonii variegata are sold in the thousands of dollars.


Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma – starts at PHP 2,500

Tetrasperma bares a striking resemblance to a Monstera deliciosa at first glance, and it’s often incorrectly referred to as a Philodendron species. However, this plant is neither a Monstera or a Philodendron, although they are all in the same family Araceae (plants in this family are often referred to as “aroids”).


Philodendron Maximum (Brazil)

Philodendron Maximum_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Philodendron Maximum (15 – 20 years of age) – Potted starts atPHP 15,000 – 25,000

Philodendron maximum K. Krause  is one of the world’s largest philodendron glossy leaves with heavy cream colored veins.  Adult leaf blades can range in size from as small as 67cm (2.2 feet) but are more commonly 109 to 165cm (3.6 to 5.4 feet) in length according to published statistics. The blades can range from 30 to 82cm (1 to 2.7 feet) in width but unusually large specimens have been measured at 100 cm (almost 3.3 feet) wide. The leaves (blades) are a semi-glossy medium green to dark green.

Daryll Villena_Philondendron Maximum_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Majestic foliage! Philondendron Maximum


Variegates Amydrium Zippelianum

Variegated Amydrium Zippelianum_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Variegated Amydrium Zippelianum USD 4,000 per leaf


Variegated Sansevieria

Variegated sansevieria or snake plants are genetically altered by Dr. Jae Silvestre, co-owner of Arid and Aroids.

Variegated Sansevieria 02_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Variegated Sansevieria – starts at PHP 6,000
Variegated Sansevieria 01_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Variegated Sansevieria – starts at PHP 6,000










Philodendron Pastazanum Silver

Philodendron Pastazanum Silver_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Philodendron Pastazanum Silver – PHP 10,000 to PHP 40,000

Anthurium Weberbaueri

Anthurium Weberbaueri _Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Anthurium Weberbaueri – PHP 18,000

Anthurium Fogetii

Anthurium Fogetii_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Anthurium Fogetii – PHP 6,000

Pentagonia Rubra (Equador)

Pentagonia Rubra_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Pentagonia Rubra

Medenilla Disparifolia (Philippines)

Medenilla Disparifolia_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Medenilla Disparifolia

Medenilla, native range is in Luzon.

Musa Velutina or Pink Banana

Musa Velutina_Pink Banana_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Musa Velutina or Pink Banana

Polyscias Nodosa (Philippines)

Polyscias Nodosa Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants
Polyscias Nodosa. Photo by Dexter Esparar

Calyptrocalyx / Kainlas

Calyptrocalyx Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants
Calyptrocalyx “Kainlas”
Photo by Dexter Esparar

Aphelandra (Sarawak)

Aphelandra SP Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants
Aphelandra SP. Photo by Dexter Esparar

Manjula Pothos / Epipremnum Areum Manjula

Manjula Pothos Epipremnum Areum Manjula_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Manjula Pothos / Epipremnum Areum Manjula


Aglaonema_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Aglaonemas – starts at PHP 400

Ruby Rubber Plant

Ruby Rubber Plant_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Ruby Rubber Plant (shelves) and Black Prince Rubber Plant – starts at PHP 1,200

Tropical Croton Plant / San Francisco

Tropical Croton Plant San Francisco_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Tropical Croton Plant or San Francisco


Caladiums_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour


Begonia_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Begonias – starts at PHP 350

Air Plants

Air Plants_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Air Plants


Rence Chan_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Rence Chan describing a plant of the same species with pineapple

Dinosaur Fern

Best things to do in Arid and Aroids Living Gallery_mossy forest
Mossy Forest
Dinosaur Fern Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants
Giant Fern. Photo by Dexter Esparar

Other interesting plants to see

Typical price range of some of the premium plants and affordable plants are:

Golden Dragon – PHP 7,000
Philodendron Maximum – PHP 15,000 – 25,000
Anthurium Veitchii Regular  – PHP 6,000 – 25,000
Florida Ghost – PHP 4,500
Verrucosum –  PHP 6,000 – 15,000
Silver Sword – PHP 1,500
Philodendron Pink Princess – PHP 1,500
Callsum – PHP 15,000
Bicolor – PHP 40,000 – 60,000
Palaroense – PHP 12,000 – 25,000
Brandtianum AFF – PHP 5,000
Brandtianum  OG  – PHP 2,500
Calathea Ornata – PHP 350
Aglaonema Katrina – PHP 400
Calathea Medallion – PHP 400

The rest of the plants for sale are updated at Arid and Aroids Facebook page.

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Truly a haven for plant collectors. They have an astonishing foliage collection, one that is rare and being preserved in AA Living Gallery. Plant lovers can stroll along the thriving garden while appreciating the greenery.

Bloggers_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
(L-R) With Rence Chan, Daryll Villena, Vrent Garcia (AA staff), Jason Ramos, and Vance Ramos at the Mossy Forrest

Travel south to experience the fun and relaxing plant tour. If you are looking to add new species or another one to your existing potted collection, AA Living Gallery is worth the visit. Now you know the most expensive rare plants, go get yourself that premium deal! 🙂

Vance Ramos_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Vance Ramos of Purple Plum Fairy
Rence Chan_01_Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour
Rence Chan of Collectors Collention
Best things to do in Arid and Aroids Living Gallery
Dr. Jae Silvestre (4th from left), Mr. Boy Ganigan (5th from left), Arid & Aroids management and marketing team with the bloggers. Photo by: Arid & Aroids.
Arid and Aroids 1M Rare Plant and Premium Plants

Watch Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour in YouTube:

How to get there?
520 Hoya Road,
Tartaria, Silang, Cavite
#AALivingGallery #aridandaroidsnurseryatsilangcavite #aridandaroids


Related about plants and flower

For flower delivery, catch amazing flowers delivered same day in NYC. Plantshed is a to go flower shop with wide variety of floral arrangements from tulips, to roses, to lilies, and mixed bouquets, you will certainly be able to find a floral arrangement that you are looking for.



Iseli, M. (2020, January 12). Philodendron Spiritus Sancti Care. Plantophiles. Retrieved June 2021 from

Stallsmith, A. The Most Expensive Houseplants People Actually Buy. Retrieved June 2021 from

Stamen and Stem. (2018, August 29). Plant profile: Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma. Stamen and Stem. Retrieved June 2021 from

K.Krause in H.G.A.Engler, Pflanzenr., IV, 23Db: 49 (1913).


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Arid and Aroids Living Gallery Plant Tour in Silang, Cavite

What to expect and things to do in Arid and Aroids Living Gallery in Silang Cavite

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Disclosure: DeiVille receives products in order to conduct reviews. No monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. Some posts may contain web links in exchange for payment. In the event of a giveaway, the sponsor is responsible for delivery of the prize, unless otherwise noted in the posting. I only recommend, discuss, or introduce products/services/businesses I personally use and believe will be a good fit for my readers.

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